Posted on: May 3, 2018
May is Mental Health Awareness Month and here is the library’s teen display for raising mental health awareness:
The top two shelves are YA Non-Fiction on topics such as anxiety, bipolar disorder, OCD, eating disorders, etc. The bottom shelf are fiction titles that deal with mental health issues. To the right of the sign there are bookmarks with “Tough Topics” call numbers. If you are a librarian viewing my blog click on the image to steal/borrow for your library- but check your call numbers to make sure they match. I stole and remade this from another library and some of our call numbers were slightly different.
Lastly, you may have noticed, whenever I get a chance I put Mosquitoland by David Arnold on display. Check it out if you’re looking for something “different” to read. I liked it.
That is all!
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